Con estrema gratitudine, riportiamo la lettera scritta da Nodreen, una degli anestesisti che hanno frequentato il tirocinio per il master in cardioanestesia finanziato da Hesperia Bimbi Onlus.
Nodreen con Silvia Braccini.
Con estrema gratitudine, riportiamo la lettera scritta da Nodreen, una degli anestesisti che hanno frequentato il tirocinio per il master in cardioanestesia finanziato da Hesperia Bimbi Onlus.
“I was honored to receive support from Hesperia Bimbi during my 1-year fellowship training at Hesperia Hospital, Modena Italy in 2018-2019, during which I studied cardiac anaesthesia and critical care.
During this time, I was privileged to work closely with the dedicated doctors, nurses and other hospital teams that work tirelessly to ensure that all the patients that walk through the hospital doors can rest in the confidence that they are getting the very best.
More than just the clinical and professional aspect, I got the opportunity to experience Modena: its culture, food, architecture and people. I was able to build strong professional and personal relationships that I hold dear. Most importantly, I got taste a true Lambrusco!
This experience has given me the opportunity to serve my country, in a unique and fulfilling way and to change the lives of not just individuals, but families too.
Thank you all for all the support that you continue to give Hesperia Bimbi. You are touching the lives of so many people in more ways than you can begin to imagine.
May God bless you.Nodreen Ayupo from Uganda
Codice Fiscale: 97748640154
Iscritta al RUNTS con Rep. n. 119138
SAE: 501
Sede Legale: via Mario Pagano 67, 20145 Milano
c/o Dott.ssa Marina Caselli
Sede operativa: via Sassuolo 4, Formigine (Mo)
Apertura Sede: orari da definire
Presidente: Dott. Paolo Pisani
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